Inspired by the hat worn by Guy Williams as Zorro in Walt Disney's TV 1957 series
Inspired by the hat worn by Guy Williams as "Zorro" in Walt Disney's TV series. A Spanish styled crown and dead flat brim enhanced with a silver thread ribbon that pierces the night. Hand woven stampede strings sold separately.
Please allow 4-6 months for completion of your order.
Crown: 4-1/4"
Crown shape: Bolero
Brim: 3-3/4"
Brim shape: Flat
Color: Black
Hatband: 1/2" Silver thread ribbon
Store credit or exchange only.
* Disclaimer: "Zorro TV Series 1957", is TM and © (or copyright) by Walt Disney. Any reproduction, duplication or distribution of these materials in any form is prohibited. This web site, its operators, including, but not limited to Baron Hats, Inc., and any content on this site relating to "Zorro TV Series 1957" is not authorized by Walt Disney, or any of its related entities. "Zorro TV Series 1957" is made in the style of classic hats as are standard in the costume industry. Baron Hats, Inc. is not affiliated in any way, nor do they by fact or by Inference imply to hold any rights or authorization, rights of association or sponsorship or endorsement of the use of any copyrights or trademarks as held by any individuals, or companies mentioned or pictured in association with this offer, including, but not limited to Zorro TV Series 1957,Guy Williams or their related entities.